Do You Have an Experience That Wants to Be Shared?

Yesterday, Steve, one of my closest friends shared an experience he had with his deceased father. Even though he’s read my book about the afterlife Steve kept his secret to himself.

Steve’s father was a classic; successful, hardworking, always away from home, divorced, not particularly approving of his son. Steve rebelled against his father pretty much all his life. As he put it,

“Before my father died, I tried to get away with doing as little as possible in life, especially when it came to work. I didn’t want to be like my father and I probably wanted him to know it.

Surprisingly, a few days after he died, I had an opening. In one quick moment I felt him transmitting abilities and knowledge to me…things I had resisted learning my whole life. Now that my father was dead I was somehow able to receive them.

I began focusing on what I was doing at work, paying a lot of attention to detail, wanting to do my best. In a short time my business zoomed. I guess my dad taught me in death what he wasn’t able to teach me in life.”

Maybe Steve never told me this because he thought it was weird. Maybe he hadn’t put the pieces together until now. Maybe you’ve had some sort of experience that wants to be told.

Would you like to share? Please tell your story in a few short paragraphs

Comfort from the Other Side

When my brother Billy woke me at dawn a few weeks after his death, at first I thought I was dreaming. He said,

I’m drifting weightlessly through these gorgeous stars and moons and galaxies twinkling all around me. The whole atmosphere is filled with a soothing hum, like hundreds of thousands of voices are singing to me but they’re so far away I can just barely hear them. And although I can’t exactly say anyone was here to greet me, I feel a Divine Presence, a kind, loving, beneficent presence, twinkling all around me.

As Billy went on speaking, for the first time since his death I felt happy. My grief was replaced by the bliss of his world and I knew that he was okay.

My brother’s many after death communications eventually became a book about what happens after we die. As the book’s publication date approaches, I am noticing an interesting phenomenon. When I tell people my story, they often have their own to share.

This morning I heard of a seven-year-old girl who lost her grandfather. The night after the funeral, when her mother went to the little girl’s bedroom she noticed her daughter doing something she’d never done before — talk in her sleep. In the morning the girl told her mother she had spoken to her grandfather, that he was really happy, and that Molly was keeping him company.

Turns out that Molly was the family dog. The interesting thing is, Molly the dog had died eight years before the little girl was born. The girl’s experience brought comfort to the family. They believed the grandfather was finally at peace.

Would you like to share? Please tell your story in a few short paragraphs

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