Comfort from the Other Side

When my brother Billy woke me at dawn a few weeks after his death, at first I thought I was dreaming. He said,

I’m drifting weightlessly through these gorgeous stars and moons and galaxies twinkling all around me. The whole atmosphere is filled with a soothing hum, like hundreds of thousands of voices are singing to me but they’re so far away I can just barely hear them. And although I can’t exactly say anyone was here to greet me, I feel a Divine Presence, a kind, loving, beneficent presence, twinkling all around me.

As Billy went on speaking, for the first time since his death I felt happy. My grief was replaced by the bliss of his world and I knew that he was okay.

My brother’s many after death communications eventually became a book about what happens after we die. As the book’s publication date approaches, I am noticing an interesting phenomenon. When I tell people my story, they often have their own to share.

This morning I heard of a seven-year-old girl who lost her grandfather. The night after the funeral, when her mother went to the little girl’s bedroom she noticed her daughter doing something she’d never done before — talk in her sleep. In the morning the girl told her mother she had spoken to her grandfather, that he was really happy, and that Molly was keeping him company.

Turns out that Molly was the family dog. The interesting thing is, Molly the dog had died eight years before the little girl was born. The girl’s experience brought comfort to the family. They believed the grandfather was finally at peace.

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15 stories on “Comfort from the Other Side

  1. Never fear death!

    Most think that death is when the lights go out. But, it’s when the lights come on, BIGTIME! I died of a massive cancer in my bones. Death is the most unbelievably beautiful thing that has ever happened to me. I went Home.

    Life is a great gift and a chance to make some beautiful Pearls for that necklace that you’ve been working on for so long. Cherish your life and share it with others, always.

    When we meet others we meet ourselves. Always live in Love. It’s not always easy here in this limited 3rd dimension but it is worth every struggle to reach it. All is Love! All is One!


  2. My Heart stopped in December 2012 in Cedars Sinai Hospital. I remember watching as they did CPR on my body, as though I were the third person in the room. I remember being asked “Are you Ready?” I replied “No I cannot leave my wife like this.” I was told to go back,and the next thing I remember is the shock of the defibrillator. There is something on the other side… I have been there.

  3. Growing up I had dozens of cousins, but one in particular I was very close to. His name was Glenn, he was 7 years older than I but always took time to spend with me. He taught me to fish, rode me around on the back of his bike, told me I was pretty and stood up for me when necessary. He was the big brother I never had. He died in a car accident when he was 19, I was almost 12. I was devastated and I “saw” it happen. The night he died I couldn’t sleep, I was anxious and jumpy. My mother finally came it to sleep with me so she could get some sleep because I kept waking her up telling her I was scared, but didn’t know what of. After a bit I did fall asleep, slept fitfuly and had a “dream”, which I know wasn’t a dream, it was more of a vision. I saw a bright white light coming toward me, then a blue streak and then I felt, more than heard, a collision. Immediately upon impact of the collision I woke up with a start. I glanced at the clock by my bed, it was 1:29 A.M. After that I went easily & peacefully to sleep. In the morning, around 10am, I woke to hear my parents talking in the front part of the house. I heard something about a funeral and immediately thought my great aunt, who was gravely ill and was in our local area, must have died. But then I heard them say we had to go to NC, we were in VA. So I started listing through all possible NC relatives (Glenn was in NC) I remember distinctly going throught he list in my mind, visually, almost like a computer screen scroll, all my NC relatives. Glenn’s name wasn’t on my list, not that I dismissed the possibility, but like his name didn’t come to mind or something. So my mother came in to get me up and said to come in the kitchen because they had something they had to tell my brother & me. My dad started to speak saying he had to give us some very sad news….. I stopped listening at about that point because my dream/vision from the night before flooded my sight. Before he could tell us I blurted out “Glenn’s dead!!!! He was killed in his car at 1 something this morning!!!! At that point Daddy, all of them really, just froze as I completely freaked out, went running to my room, crying hysterically and screaming “I saw it happen!!! I saw it happen!! I was there!!!!”. I know now that my parents really thought at that point they were going to have to take me to the psych ward!. They knew how close Glenn & I were, how much I loved him and thought I was having some kind of breakdown. But then they realized that Daddy had never told me what happened, I told him. That they couldn’t explain. And Daddy refused to ever speak of it or even hear about it to the day he died.
    Glenn visited me just over 2 years later…….. but I’ve already taken up too much room on this thread so I’ll save that story for later maybe. There are surely more ways to “virtually” communicate than technology affords us, ways that we’re born with, ways to communicate to those that have passed, we just have to tap in.

  4. My 32 year old son Danny took his own life on November 9, 2001. I couldn’t resolve is death. I felt insane and during the first year after he died I realised that suicide is not a subject people could speak on, and I felt abandoned along with my other 3 adult children and my husband, Danny’s step dad. I began to journal my grief and took this brand of grief apart and looked at all the pieces. Because there was no one to talk to about it, I talked TO it, to Danny and to the myth of suicide. I wanted to know why everyone was whispering…

    After 8 years or journals, I was convinced to publish my journals. Ashamed, afraid and yet certain that my journey was being shared by millions of suicide survivors and they needed a hand to hold and a heart that understood so I gave my book, WHY WHISPER? to the world.

    I know there is an afterlife.

    The day my author’s copy of Why Whisper? arrived, I was in a hurry to show up on time at a dinner engagement. I had to leave, but I took my book with me to the car and while I was waiting for My husband to lock up and get in the car. All the lights outside and inside the car began to blink very fast. I went numb. I wasn’t afraid, but I was simply stunned. I knew that was Danny. There is no other explanation.

    He was telling me he was happy I had the guts to tell his story, and tell the truth about myself, him and all of us. The most personal information was in that book and I couldn’t take it back. He assured me I did the right thing. Since his death Danny has used lights to communicate. On holidays the lights blink, on birthdays and when I am sad. Again there is no other explaination.

    Thank you for validating the fact that nobody dies. I will read and review your beautiful book.
    Thank you,
    Joanne Mazzotta: Author of Why Whisper?

  5. I just finished reading your book. I loved it. I have read a number of near death experience and life after death books. Yours was different, which to me, makes it more believable. It’s not a copy.

    I have always believed that a person’s psyche affects their experience of life after death, and while I was reading your book, I kept thinking that HIS experience was so HIM.
    You really grabbed me and I knew it was true when he was talking about being the universe, being made of stars, and the music . I once had a mystical experience like that… years ago, in my 20s. I would meditate sometimes, not like you, more of a casual, need to relax and commune with my higher self sort of thing. I went to bed one night very tired and hungry, as I was putting myself into a meditative state, I felt myself slip into different pieces… like levels of conciousness were talking to each other… then I felt myself become the universe, I felt like I was full of stars, like I was the universe and traveling through it at the same time… and the MUSIC… it was almost indescribable, the sound that the universe made…..
    I have never been able to reachieve that state, but it was an experience that really stays with you. I have never read about that sort of thing anywhere else.
    Thanks for writing the book.
    I think it would make an interesting movie.

  6. My dad died in 1995. He worked at a company for 30 + years and he had given me his clock that the company gave him for a service award. After he died the clock worked for a while but stopped. The battery was replaced, but still nothing. One Father’s Day my mother-in-law and sister-in-law went looking for his grave (his then wife never told us where he was buried)and found it. That evening the clock chimed at the quarter hour, 8:15pm PDT (11:15 pm EDT). Westminster chimes. The clock ran for about 5 minutes and stopped again. It hasn’t worked since. I know my dad came to let me know that he was OK and to thank us for finding him. I am a big believer in karma and the ‘wife’ (or black widow as I like to refer to her) will get payback, some day, some way.

  7. I was 14 years old when I lost my Grandfather to a terrible car accident my Granmother survived but was badly injured. I was the oldest grandchild so I spent alot of time with them. I was feeling alot of pain because I never got to say goodbye and I loved him deeply. One night I fell of to sleep but it seemed so real, I am 52 and I can remeber everthing the colors were so vivid and some I had never seen; Iwas walking through woods that were so beautiful and then I seen him, I ran to him and he took me by the hand and we started walking through the woods, so much love radiated around us. I looked up at him and said ” I thought you were dead’ he said to me some people think we die but we never really do’ thats all I remeber him saying it brought me peace and I knew that he was ok. To this day when I need comfort or strengh I still find dimes. After he retired he drove the first trash truck in our town and everytime he would see me on the playground on his route he would stop and give me a dime for a coke. Instead of pennies from heaven, I get dimes.

  8. These are lovely stories, and I look forward to Annie’s book. I read every thing I come across about NDEs and afterlife communications. I am blessed to have receieved a few messages myself. I know we are not alone here and that love is eternal. I am very curious about the differences in experience of those who have crossed over and returned. Although there are many, many similarities, some are shown places of anguish, absent of love. Not absent of God’s love it seems, but of love of self and others. I can only conclude that what we believe while here, does affect our afterlife. At least initially? No doubt the many mansions Jesus speaks of represent a more vast and creative existence than we can conceive with our material senses. I do not fear death. I so dread the sorrow of losing my loved ones though. The testimonies are such a comfort and ease the grief we feel as family and friends pass on.

  9. My mother died in october, 2010. Nineteeen days later, she began communicating and visiting with me, which has resulted in three books written and released in very short time called “The Team: A Mother’s Wisdom from the Other Side”, a collection of truly amazing spiritual insights far beyond my own ability to imagine or describe. Through her, I have come to understand her vital message: “You are not alone. You are not even functioning as one person. Nobody is. For you are a member of a team, a spiritual team as close to you as breathing.” Some of us are the “boots on the ground” teammates and others have the “lookout tower” perspective, but we work as one. Love is the currency of the Universe and forgiveness the key that unlocks every door. Blessings to all who share their experiences with the afterlife, helping us to remember that there is no death and growth is eternal!

  10. When I was 17 my grandmother died suddenly of a heart attack. At that time in my life I simply could not face the fact that she was gone. I was very close to her & had lived the first 7 years of my life with her. She was like my second mother to me. My mother, my grandmother, & I were always very close. But I was a self-centered teenager at the time; and although I went to the funeral, I did not go with my mother to the cemetery, I just could not bear it. Later on, my mother mentioned how she understood, but was so saddened when she was there seeing her mother be put into the ground, but I wasn’t with her. I had so much guilt about not being there for my mother on top of missing my grandmother so very much & wishing I had spent more time with her, etc. One afternoon, (I was alone in the house) I cried out hysterically almost all day about how sorry I was and how much I missed her & how guilty I felt about not being there with my mother, how I wish I would have visited her more and just everything. That night I had a dream that I was with my grandmother. We were sitting on a white bench, & she was wearing this white dress shirt and white nickers she often wore; and we were surrounded by sort of a white haze all around us. I felt there was a huge white building of some sort near or behind us, although I could not truly see it through the white cloud/haze/fog. But what I could see & feel totally and completely was her. We were sitting very close to each other, I looked into her sweet face, she patted me on the leg, and said, “It’s all right sugar, everything’s just fine, & I’m just fine” and she smiled. That was it, that’s all I remember, except that the moment with her seemed like a very long time, for such a quick conversation – but when I woke up the next day, all the guilt, all the shame, everything – had been completely lifted from me. I felt completely okay & forgave myself about everything. In looking back years later, I now know for sure that I visited my grandmother on the other side. All my life she called me sugar & always patted my leg when comforting me – I’m absolutely positive she heard my pleas that afternoon, she knew my pain & sorrow – she was with me and loved me still and she found a way to communicate with me and console me completely even though she had left this world we live in. She simply helped me visit her in her world where she had “gone on” to live. I am now 56 years old & remember that dream like it was yesterday. Love is the connecting force and cannot be broken, even when we transition to the other side. Thank you Annie for giving us a place to share. Looking forward to your book.

  11. My step-father had been an alcoholic for most of his life, eventually developing pancreatic cancer at the age of 51. His last days were spent alone in a Veteran’s Hospital, 200 miles away from family and everyone else he had ever known. I was feeling very concerned about his mental, emotional, and spiritual well being.
    A couple of days before my 21st birthday I had made the long drive to go visit him and to give him a recording of a song I had written for him, along with a tape player to play it on. (This being another synchronistic story in itself).
    Having returned home from my recent visit, on a warm June night, I went out to celebrate my 21st birthday with all of my best friends. The night turned out to be one of the happiest nights of my young life. After which, I had gone home and gone to sleep. Sometime later that night, I was suddenly awoken by a bright light illuminating my entire bedroom. It was a golden yellow color that permeated into every inch of my space, including my own body, as odd as this might sound. Perhaps it had been the feeling of the color, the illuminosity of it that I had tuned in to. Whatever it was, it surprised me, even though it felt especially warm and alive. I instantly wondered what on earth could be creating such a brilliant spectrum of light. So I pulled myself up from bed and began searching the house for it’s source. I couldn’t see anything out of the ordinary so I then began looking out all of the windows, wondering if a street light had gone berserk and was somehow flooding into my room to create this enormously radiant glow… I could not find a source for the light, which eventually faded, so I went back to sleep, while pondering how incredibly strange, yet fully enveloping, the light had been. I fell back to sleep.
    A few hours later I received a phone call telling me that my dad had died “sometime during the night…” and I instantly KNEW that he had come to say goodbye, and to let me know that he was OK, that death was a very freeing and exhilerating experience, afterall. And then my own pain and grief began…

    • I’m guessing that the light and peace that came to you was your step-father letting you know he was okay. Also, it was his way of loving and taking care of you. Thanks for sharing this story

  12. My brother was a homeless alcoholic, murdered over a bottle of wine many years ago. After his death, I felt so much guilt. One night I had a dream. It felt so real. I dreamt he left a message on my answering machine. He said, “Sis, don’t worry about anything. I’m okay and I’m happy. And I’ll always be around if you need me.” His name was Robert, and I can still feel his presence.

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